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Faculty List





Participation in Seminars/Conferences/Symposium

Sl.No. Type of Program Role Name of Program Title of Paper Date Organising Institution Level
1 Conference Presenter International Conference on Harnessing Trillion Economy Through AI and Digital Transformation in Building a Smarter and Greener Future for Global Commerce and Developments Impact of Artificial Intelligence Adaption for Financial Optimization and Customer Experience in BFSI Sector 13/03/2025 Vivekananda College of Arts and Sciences for Women in association with Dhaka International University, Avinashlingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, NITTE Institute International
2 Conference Presenter International Conference on Innovations and Emerging Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Management (ICIAIM-2025) Impact of Carbon Productivity on the Financial Performance of Indian Manufacturing firms 24/02/2025 World College of Technology and Management, Haryana and Inspira Research Association International
3 Conference Presenter International Conference On Financial Access And Transformation(Icfat 2025) Review On The Impact Of Credit Cards On Consumer Spending And Financial Well-Being 24/01/2025 Christ University International
4 Conference Presenter 10th Indian Academy of Management (INDAM) Conference Can Cryptocurrencies become stable global currencies? 15/01/2025 Indian Institute of Foreign Trade National
5 Conference Presenter 7th SSBF and International Conference on Behavioural Finance and other Contemporary Issues (ICBF-24) Balancing Act: Unveiling the Dynamics between Liquidity Risk Management and Solvency of Indian Commercial Banks 17/02/2024 Christ University International
6 Conference Presenter 7th SSBF and International Conference on Behavioural Finance and other Contemporary Issues (ICBF-24) Navigating Financial Waters: Assessing the Impact of Credit Risk Management on Indian Commercial Banks 17/02/2024 Christ University International
7 Conference Presenter Interdisciplinary International Conference on Language, Literature and Social Sciences Exploring the Transformation: The Impact of Cashless Economy on India 10/02/2024 Sharda Mahavidyalaya, Parbhani District, Maharashtra State International
8 Conference Presenter International Conference on Shared Value Creation in the Context of Sustainability - Strategies, Challenges, and Opportunities Liquidity Risk Management and Solvency of Commercial Banks in India: A panel approach 09/03/2023 Christ University International
9 Conference Presenter Contemporary Discourse in Humanities and Commerce Impact of Goods and Service Tax on the Rising Indian Economy 24/12/2022 Late Ramesh Warpudkar ACS College, Rajarshi Shahu College, Shri Panditguru Pardikar College, Mahatma Gandhi Education & Welfare Society International
10 Conference Presenter International Conference on Advances in Data-driven Computing and Intelligent Systems The Impact of Credit Risk Management on the Performance of Banks in India 23/09/2022 BITS Pilani, K K Birla Goa Campus International
11 Conference Presenter Economic & Social Perspective of New Normal through Hybrid work models The Effect of Credit Risk Management on the Performance of Indian Commercial Banks: A Panel Model Approach 29/07/2022 Maharaja Surajmal Institute International
12 Seminar Moderator/Chair International Seminar 25/02/2022 Amity University International
13 Conference Presenter Indian Economic Association 104th Annual Conference Credit Risk Management Practices in Indian Commercial Banks: An Overview 25/12/2021 Atal Bihari Vajpayee Institute of Good Governance and Policy Analysis National
14 Seminar Participant How to access T&F journals & eBooks 22/07/2020 Taylor & Francis Group International

Own MPhil/PhD Thesis

Sl.No. Title Guide Name Institution Month Year
1 Risk Management Practices of Commercial Banks in India Dr. Anand Sharma Central University of Haryana

Workshop/FDP/Training programme Attended

Sl.No. Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training programme Name of Oraganiser Level Date
1 Introduction to Data Analytics IBM International 20/02/2025
2 Work Smarter with Microsoft Word Microsoft International 01/01/2025
3 Exploring Digital Finance:Innovations, Opportunities and Challenges ATAL National 14/10/2024
4 Primary and Secondary Data Analysis for Research In Social Science CHRIST University National 04/06/2024
5 Optimizing AQAR: Elevating Documentation Accuracy and Compliance Standards Christ (Deemed to be University) 23/01/2024
6 Law and Legal Research Christ (Deemed to be University) Institutional 12/01/2024
7 Research Writing and Publication Central University of Haryana International 20/11/2023
8 Creation of Research IDs ST. Joseph College for Women National 03/10/2023
9 Innovation and Creativity Christ (Deemed to be University) Institutional 31/07/2023
10 Using ICT Tools for Classroom Teaching Christ (Deemed to be University) 26/06/2023
11 Qulaity Improvement Program Christ (Deemed to be University) 26/06/2023
12 Bloomberg Market Concepts Bloomberg for Education International 09/06/2023
13 Designing & Development of Questionnaire for Social Science Research Kongu Engineering College National 18/02/2023
14 Two days Workshop on SPSS hands-on: Data Analysis for Research and Publications Mahatma Gandhi College National 02/02/2023
15 Basic Econometrics Post Graduate and Research Department of Commerce, Mahatma Gandhi College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala National 15/11/2022
16 Basics of Difference- in- Difference Approach with Two Time Periods Christ (Deemed to be University) International 13/09/2022
17 Econometrics- Time Series and Panel Data Analysis using E-views Primax Foundation in association with Bharathiyar Arts & Science College for Women and Indian Academic Researchers Association National 01/09/2022
18 Mastering Time Series and Panel Data Analysis Rukmini Devi Institute of Advanced Studies, Delhi. National 28/12/2020
19 Panel Data Analysis Department of Humanities, Delhi Technological University National 17/08/2020
20 Application of Econometric Tools for Management Research Department of Management, Central University of Tamil Nadu National 29/07/2020
21 Empirical Financial Econometrics Using E-Views Post-Graduate Department of Commerce under the aegis of Internal Quality Assurance Cell National 13/07/2020
22 Research Methodology Department of Management Studies, Central University of Haryana, Haryana National 03/07/2020
23 The Art of Writing a Project Proposal Research Department of Business Administration, Arumugam Pillai Seethai Ammal (APSA) College, Tiruppattur, Tamil Nadu Institutional 20/06/2020
24 Research Grant Opportunities Research Department of Business Administration, Arumugam Pillai Seethai Ammal (APSA) College, Tiruppattur, Tamil Nadu held Institutional 20/06/2020
25 Academic Writing and Opportunity for the Publication Dr. SNS Rajalakshmi College of Arts and Science International 17/06/2020
26 Fostering Academic Research and Writing Skills Department of English, Sree Ayyappa College for Women, Nagercoil, Tamilnadu International 12/06/2020
27 How to publish Research Article in Sci Journals using Info- Graphics Tools Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Rai University National 04/06/2020
28 ?Do?s & Don?ts in Social Science Research PG & Research Department of Commerce & Business Administration, Padmavani Arts & Science College for Women, Salem and Indian Academic Researchers Association, Tiruchirappalli National 30/05/2020
29 Data Preparation and Basics of SPSS in Social Science Research Education Foundation National 29/05/2020
30 Research Methodology and Data Handling Department of Law, BPS Mahila Viswavidhyalaya, Sonepat in collaboration with Department of Political Science, Ram Lal Anand College, University of Delhi, Delhi National 28/05/2020
31 Risk Management using Derivatives School of Management, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous) National 26/05/2020
32 Research Methodology Wilson College, KES Shroff College of Arts and Commerce, Vasantraodada Patil Institute of Management Studies and Research in association with University of Mumbai, Maharashtra. International 19/05/2020
33 How to make Research better and matter too Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Management Studies Institutional 18/05/2020
34 Scientific Approach to Social Science Research Department of Commerce, VLB Janakiammal College of Arts and Science Institutional 13/05/2020
35 Data Analysis in Social Science Research Thiagarajar College of Preceptors, Madurai, Tamilnadu National 07/05/2020
36 Use of Elsevier Tools in Research Workflow Department of Commerce, University of Madras, Chennai and Elsevier National 05/05/2020
37 How to Use Turnitin Software for your Research Guru Nanak Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai, Maharashtra Institutional 04/05/2020
38 Financial Modelling & Equity Valuation VSSR Global Regional 03/05/2020
39 Wealth Creation & SIP (How to create wealth in long term) Progressio Alas Regional 02/05/2020
40 Data Analytics using Excel Progressio Alias National 23/04/2020


Sl.No. Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others Description Organisation Month/ Year
1 Best Paper Award CHRIST (Deemed to be University) 17 February 2024


(Deemed to be University)

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CHRIST (Deemed to be University) is a nurturing ground for an individual's holistic development to make effective contribution to the society in a dynamic environment.

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